Perspective - “The Clooney Effect”

The following is an excerpt from the book The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday.

“Perspective has two definitions:

  1. Context: a sense of the larger picture of the world, not just what is immediately in front of us

  2. Framing: an individual's unique way of looking at the world, a way that interprets its events

Both matter, both can be effectively injected to change a situation that previously seemed intimidating or impossible. George Clooney spent his first years in Hollywood getting rejected at auditions. He wanted the producers and directors to like him, but they didn't and it hurt and he blamed the system for not seeing how good he was. This perspective should sound familiar. It's the dominant viewpoint for the rest of us on job interviews, when we pitch clients, or try to connect with an attractive stranger in a coffee shop. We subconsciously submit to what Seth Godin, author and entrepreneur, refers to as the "tyranny of being picked."

Everything changed for Clooney when he tried a new perspective. He realized that casting is an obstacle for producers, too--they need to find somebody, and they're all hoping that the next person to walk in the room is the right somebody. Auditions were a chance to solve their problem, not his. From Clooney's new perspective, he was that solution. He wasn't going to be someone groveling for a shot. He was someone with something special to offer. He was the answer to their prayers, not the other way around. That was what he began projecting in his auditions--not exclusively his acting skills but that he was the man for the job. That he understood what the casting director and producers were looking for in a specific role and that he would deliver it in each and every situation, in pre production, on camera, and during promotion.

The difference between the right and the wrong perspective is everything.

How we interpret the events in our lives, our perspective, is the framework for our forthcoming response--whether there will even be one or whether we'll just lie there and take it. Where the head goes, the body follows. Perception precedes action. Right action follows the right perspective.”

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Online Course Template


This past week, I completed a week long training with Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi and several other incredible guests! The training provided practical tools and motivation to get started…I used both to create my first online course with I love the idea of helping others while I’m sleeping :)

I’ve distilled what I learned from the 15 hours of training into a 4 page document that includes an ONLINE COURSE TEMPLATE. I’m using this to create my upcoming courses! Let me know if you have any questions, I am happy to share my experience as we grow together :)

Click below to check out my current course created on

Thou Shall Prosper (Highlights)

Thou Shall Prosper by Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Order on Amazon now

Throughout history and well into modern times, Jewish people have had a reputation for business acumen. This commercial savvy has often been presented in a negative light; however, in spite of these goyish aspersions, the ability to produce wealth that’s often ascribed to Jewish people is now generally recognized as a positive and enviable attribute. But why have Jews become successful in business and how can it serve as inspiration for others?

Jewish prosperity in business is rooted in the books and oral history that make up the Jewish religious canon. In combination with Jewish traditions, the Torah, Talmud and other sources have inspired and guided Jews for millennia. This book summary reveals how you – or anyone who wants to succeed in business – can draw inspiration from these sources as well.

In this summary of Thou Shall Prosper by Daniel Lapin, you’ll find out 3 core principles

1. Learn to be a numinous networker

2. Discover the attributes of a good leader

3. See how faith empowers us

Thou Shall Prosper Key Idea #1: Despite many misconceptions, Jews are successful in business because of education.

If you’re familiar with Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, you know that the Jewish character of Shylock is portrayed as a greedy and vengeful loan shark who’s only interested in money. Unfortunately, this derogatory portrayal of the Jewish businessman has persisted.

In addition to this negative image, there are many false theories about why Jews have tended to have business success. One absurd theory suggests that Jews evolved in such a way that money making is simply part of their DNA.

Jews have survived countless periods of persecution, so it’s been suggested that only wealthy Jews survived these ordeals since they could buy their way out. Therefore, the future generations of Jews were born with a so-called “money gene.”

Another nasty theory is that all Jews are cheaters.

However, this enduring myth is refuted by the Torah, the holy book that defines Jewish law. It specifically calls for people to maintain an honest reputation when doing business. Any instances of cheating would be a direct offense against God.

Then there’s the conspiracy theory that Jews are part of some secret society.

While it’s true that community is an important part of Jewish life, Jews also tend to be very argumentative, so it’s ridiculous to think they could keep some secret organization together and under wraps.

People also often think of Jews as possessing superior intelligence.

But intelligence generally doesn’t increase monetary gain since people with higher IQs tend to become academics and scientists, not business leaders.

When Jewish people do become successful, it’s because they’ve received a good education at home and in the synagogue.

A Jewish home is often filled with books, and the centrality of education in Jewish life is why Jews throughout history have had high literacy rates. This is also why, even though Jews only comprise 0.2 percent of the world’s population, there is a disproportionately large number of books published every year concerning Jewish themes.

In addition to the Torah’s teachings, there are also oral traditions that continue to be passed down. A common lesson is to sacrifice present pleasures for future benefits – a reminder that putting in hard work today may well lead to a successful business tomorrow.

Thou Shall Prosper Key Idea #2: In Jewish tradition, business is seen as a good, morally honest and noble endeavor.

It’s not uncommon for corporations and businesses to be demonized by politicians and the media. And this can turn people’s attention away from the job creation and the charitable work that comes from the private sector.

On a more personal level, a healthy business venture can also make people feel better about themselves.

It’s not unlike someone being part of a clinical trial and being given a placebo: the patient often ends up feeling better just by being part of the program. The same can happen when someone is part of a noble business pursuit.

Due to the teachings of the Torah, Jews will apply this kind of morality to doing business and earning money.

Jewish wisdom teaches us that success only comes if the business has the approval of our friends; it’s this approval that creates the passion and drive behind the endeavor.

We’re also urged to be virtuous and ethical. When we see ourselves as morally upright, running our business in an honest and ethical fashion, we’re less likely to enter illegal or immoral territory.

Of course, if someone gets away with cheating, they’ll probably be tempted to cheat again. However, this can be prevented by atonement.

Atonement – being “at one” with God – is an important part of Judaism. By atoning, one can “reset” after committing a bad deed. But to reset one has first to learn from what one did wrong and diminish the temptation to repeat the behavior.

Here’s a little-known fact: Jews joined the banking profession in an effort to perform a noble service and help others.

Jewish tradition views lending money, as opposed to giving money away, as a charitable act. By lending, others can start their own business and retain their independence and dignity in the process.

This goes against another misconception: that Jews became bankers to escape oppression.

Christians and Muslims tend to subscribe to a literal interpretation of the Bible that prohibits charging interest. But the oral traditions that were passed down – the Jewish laws that were not written in the Torah – taught Jews that there were moral circumstances that permit charging interest.

Thou Shall Prosper Key Idea #3: Jewish customs also teach us how to build successful relationships and strong networks.

Now that you know some of the noble reasons for getting into business, let’s take a look at how tradition can lead to successful business relationships.

In a traditional Jewish workplace, coworkers are not unlike friends and family. But for these kinds of relationships to develop, they have to be genuine. People can sense false intentions, so it won’t work if a friendly environment is forced.

You might think of friends and family as being separate from business, but they can actually be a good source of inspiration.

For Richard Simon, his personal relationships lead to him becoming a pillar of the publishing world. As a child, Simon saw how much his grandmother and her friend loved doing the Sunday crossword puzzle together. But they would always finish it by Tuesday, which left them with four puzzleless days.

Sensing a market for a book full of puzzles, Simon took the idea to his friend Lincoln Schuster, and, before long the publishing giant Simon and Schuster was born.

The communal nature of traditional Jewish life also provides a helpful network of connections.

Traditional Jewish prayer requires a quorum of ten men called a minyan; every synagogue in every city has one. So whenever a Jewish businessman is traveling, he can join a minyan and find a number of opportunities to form new relationships. And since this kind of network is always growing and evolving, there are always new possibilities.

There are also teachings that can help form successful new relationships by allowing people to better understand themselves and how others perceive them. Once we clearly understand how others see us, we can change things about ourselves that might be hindering a successful relationship.

These lessons about self-change are taught by Mussar, a body of ancient Jewish literature. In this context, “change” doesn’t simply mean changing how you appear; it also means changing who you really are. And with this understanding, relationships can take on a deeper, even spiritual, meaning.

Thou Shall Prosper Key Idea #4: Business isn’t perfect, but Jewish tradition shows that imperfection isn’t a bad thing.

Are you a perfectionist? Do you end up working longer and harder than others because you’re never satisfied until things are absolutely flawless?

Well, trying to be perfect is a fool’s errand because, in fact, nothing is perfect – especially when it comes to business.

There is a Jewish belief called “ethical capitalism,” which reminds us that people are taught the ways of business by others and that this, in turn, can lead to corruption. It also reminds us that it’s wrong to blame capitalism for the mistakes of a few capitalists.

It helps to look at business as an inanimate object. You can’t blame an object for causing problems; you can only blame the people who misuse it.

Bernie Madoff is a perfect example. His Ponzi scheme cheated people out of millions of dollars by means of fraud and false trust. So we must hold Madoff accountable, rather than blaming capitalism.

Being moral in your business practices is a challenge since most actions can have both good and bad effects.

When we look at the steel magnate Andrew Carnegie, and the railroad tycoon George Pullman, we see two people who improved society at a great cost to others.

Carnegie is considered to be one of the biggest robber barons of the nineteenth century. And though Pullman pioneered US railway expansion, he exploited his workers by charging them higher rates for housing and food. Some workers for the Pullman Company owed more than they ever earned.

But business, though far from perfect, doesn’t have to be evil, and there are Jewish traditions that show how one can work morally within the business system.

They say business is driven by greed. But Jews are taught that you must provide for yourself before you can help others.

By turning people into customers, business is considered dehumanizing. But Jewish tradition offers a different perspective: business emulates God’s creativity by being a source of growth and inventiveness.

Business is also sometimes blamed for creating inequality. However, without business, there would be no wealth to sustain the economy. And it’s the government – not business – that’s responsible for just redistribution of this wealth.

Thou Shall Prosper Key Idea #5: Leaders are united by certain traits, which are often the result of tumultuous times.

What comes to mind when you think of a great leader? There have been many great leaders over the years, and Jewish tradition shows us that there are certain characteristics that they all share.

One of these characteristics is the ability to follow.

Leaders often are, or were, followers. Even Moses, one of history’s greatest leaders, had a mentor: God.

Leaders also have a vision and a goal, and they are persuasive in telling people how they’ll achieve it.

God’s vision was the world we see before us, and his goal was the Sabbath. That’s why Jews celebrate the Sabbath every Friday night.

And leaders aren’t afraid of necessary confrontation.

The necessity of confrontation is driven home by the tale of Joseph. Joseph’s brothers, envious of the favor shown to him by their father, plotted to kill Joseph. One of these brothers, Judah, instead of confronting his brothers, compromised and suggested they sell Joseph into slavery. This cost Judah his role as leader. If he had stood up to his brothers, it’s likely they would have listened to him and never attempted to kill or enslave Joseph.

Leaders also use the power of faith.

The power of faith can come in different forms. The most obvious is perhaps daily prayer. Less obvious is the ability to have faith in oneself and to instill that personal faith in others so that goals are achieved.

And leaders carry themselves with a respectful presence.

There’s a reason the Talmud, an ancient collection of rabbinical doctrines, calls the lion the “King of Beasts.” It’s not the biggest or strongest animal, but it earns its respect through its regal posture and careful movements.

Another thing to consider is that there is no single definition of a leader, and that they fill many roles: guiding people through change, being an inspiring role model or helping people develop, for example.

More often than not, people don’t become leaders by learning these skills; the role is thrust upon them under extraordinary circumstances.

Many believe that New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani would never have been considered a notable leader if it hadn’t been for the chaotic and tumultuous events of 9/11. But this event brought out the leader in Giuliani, and he did an able job of guiding the city out of crisis.

Thou Shall Prosper Key Idea #6: Success comes to those who embrace change, but keep themselves firmly rooted.

Many people fear change. Yet, as we grow older, we’re always learning and changing, even if we’re not aware of it.

Judaism teaches us to embrace the fact that all humans are unique and that they continue to change throughout their lives. Once we learn to accept this change, we can then learn to profit from it.

The Star of David provides clues for us to follow. The star is composed of two triangles. The three points of one triangle represent three fixed entities – God, humans and the physical world. The other triangle’s points represent openness to change.

Change, though often initially painful, is beneficial in the long run.

Some companies go out of business when faced with change. For example, many companies went under when steel replaced cast iron as a construction material in the nineteenth century. But for those that hung on, innovations were soon introduced that allowed them to switch over to the new material, get rid of expensive equipment and retrain or replace employees. In the end, the change brought profits that outweighed the initial loss.

Judaism shows us that change is easier to accept when it arrives gradually, which is why events that honor a marriage or a death take place over several days. Moving forward is a matter of staying connected to the parts of your life that will never change and remaining open to the things that should or have to change.

This applies to successful business, too. Stay rooted to the company’s core values and mission statement, but don’t close yourself off to other opportunities.

But be sure that you’ve actually set your roots in the company, and not, for instance, in capital from investors.

Here’s a cautionary tale: there was once a successful family of jewelers in Montreal, and, in the late 1990s, the sons moved the business to Los Angeles to take advantage of the dot-com boom. The economy soon tanked and the jewelry business started losing money. This prompted the sons to move the business back to Montreal, to their roots, and, sure enough, success returned when they did.

Thou Shall Prosper Key Idea #7: To forecast the future, learn about the factors and trends that influence your business.

People also fear the uncertainty of the future. However, you can minimize uncertainty by making accurate predictions – something that’s not really that hard to do.

The Talmud is explicit about how the wise are different from the prophetic: While a prophet can look into the future, the wise can look at today’s events and see what consequences they’ll have tomorrow.

You don’t have to be a genius to see what the future has in store. You can actually train yourself to figure it out, but, to do that well, you must keep your ego and ambitions out of the equation.

Ego can obscure the obvious. For instance, the crucial difference between Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill, two of history’s most intelligent British politicians, is that Chamberlain’s ego prevented him from seeing Hitler for who he really was. Churchill’s sight, on the other hand, remained unclouded by ego and ambition.

To make an accurate forecast, you don’t need to become an expert on every business trend in the world – just the ones that directly affect your business.

So, if you work for a tech company, stay informed on regulations that might change how people use the internet. And if you’re in the auto industry, pay attention to trade regulations, which might change the price of materials.

Foreseeing the future comes from careful interpretation of both the present and the past.

Generally, a steady and stable economy will stay that way unless an outside force brings change.

The price of gold, for example, usually remains steady when inflation and civil unrest are at a minimum. However, investors recently noticed that gold prices were remaining stable despite inflation, which is when they realized that Russia was selling off its reserves to counteract inflation and keep investors buying. When Russia stopped interfering, the price of gold went up as predicted.

Other things to keep an eye on are patterns and trends.

These can be especially helpful in industries like fashion, where trends can help predict what will sell next year.

Thou Shall Prosper Key Idea #8:  Money is a part of who we are and there are benefits to giving it away.

The old adage that "time is money" is certainly true. However, there’s more to the equation than that.

In the Talmud’s story of Joseph, we also learn that we are money and that money is part of us; it’s impossible to separate the two.

Everything we possess – time, dignity, persistence, creative energy – can be quantified in terms of money. And once we accept this notion, we can move forward and have a healthier relationship with money.

Money can also create a bond of trust. This happens every time someone receives a check after performing a service.

Money serves as a symbol of reputation as well. For instance, Ford paid nine billion dollars to purchase Jaguar and Volvo not because the companies’ assets were worth that much. Ford was buying their reputations.

One of the Jewish terms for money is “zuz,” which, in English, means “to move.” Therefore, money is something that naturally moves between people; when it doesn’t, economies can go into recession or fall apart completely. So money isn’t meant to be kept hidden away or stashed under a mattress.

It’s far better to follow Jewish wisdom and use that money for charitable purposes, which can spark the creation of even more wealth.

Jewish tradition holds that giving money to charity is more spiritually beneficial to the giver than to the receiver. There’s no rational explanation for this – it’s just the right thing to do. The United States even bases its tax laws on this principle, which is why donations to religious and charitable foundations are not taxed.

In fact, one of the best ways to increase your income is to give your money away.

No one likes doing business with someone who seems desperate to cling to every penny. It’s better to have a reputation as a giver since most people want to be involved with charitable causes.

But remember: though charitableness can come with rewards, you should mainly give because it’s the moral thing to do.

Thou Shall Prosper Key Idea #9: Thou shalt not retire.

Here’s another apt adage: “Life is a journey, not a destination.” One should learn to regard business the same way.

This means that we shouldn’t be counting the days to retirement.

There’s no reason to stop earning money when we hit a certain age. To retire is to stop providing value to society. It’s also to limit your potential.

So pretend you’re an Olympic athlete running the 400-meter dash. You don’t come to a full stop once you hit the finish line; you keep going, even though you’re slowing down. And don’t fixate on the end goal. Focusing on retirement can give you a distorted view of life that may cause you to slow down before you even get there.

Instead, be one of the many people who’ve remained active and productive in their later years.

At age 65, Harlan Sanders was virtually penniless. He was tired of trying to survive on a small monthly retirement check from the government. And so, for the next 15 years, he sold fried chicken and began the empire known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, now known as KFC.

Many people are fooled by three lies that get told about retirement.

The first is that work has no real value – that it’s just a means to an end. From this perspective, the only reason to work is to one day no longer have to.

Jewish tradition teaches us otherwise. Work has value for the worker and humanity. It gives them dignity and transforms the world around them.

Another lie is that we become weaker and less productive in old age.

But unless you have an extremely physical job, you’re likely to become more productive as you get older. As you continue to grow your network of contacts, you’ll have more and more opportunities to generate wealth.

The third lie is that people are meant to be consumers, not creators.

But as we’ve seen in this book summary, spirituality and creating wealth can go hand in hand, and as we get older our connection to our spiritual selves only gets deeper.

In Review: Thou Shall Prosper Book Summary

The key message in this book: We can create success and wealth in business by looking to the ancient teachings and wisdom of Judaism. These principles can be applied to many business situations in the modern world.

Actionable advice: Be a numinous networker.

It’s easy to think of networking as a way to make quick connections to improve your business. But try thinking about these connections in a deeper, more numinous way – in other words, as deeper, more spiritual relationships. Your business networks should be treated like long-lasting and fruitful relationships that benefit both you and the people you’re working with.

Kings & Priests (Highlights)

Context: The author was trained for ministry and pastored a church up until the age of 39 and then transitioned into a career in the marketplace.  He uses the role of ancient Kings and Priests to illustrate our modern day roles in building the Kingdom of God.  

Order Kings & Priests on Amazon

Key Thoughts

  • Mutual RESPECT based on mutual NEED. 

  • Priests Provided Vision

  • Kings Provided Provision

  • We all WIN when kings and priests FOCUS on their calling and champion each other

  • Priests without kings chase provision to their own hurt. 

  • Kings without priests chase vision to their own hurt. 

  • When priests in their instruction to the church include the king’s office as a sacred calling and men see that office clearly, the Kingdom of God will be radically transformed! 

  • Without money, priests can’t fulfill their God-given heart’s desire.

  • Without direction, kings sacrifice themselves on the altar of their own lusts. 

  • When kings and priests are joined properly, the result is DIVINE TEAMWORK that can only find fulfillment through RESPECT and COOPERATION. 


  1. Carried the responsibility of hearing from God

  2. Offered sacrifices for the people

  3. Received tithes and offerings from the people

  4. Cared for the house of God

  5. Cared for the widows and orphans

  6. Cared for the stranger at the gate

  7. Spoke encouragement to the people before battle


  1. Destroyed the enemies of God

  2. Took the spoils of war

  3. Paid tithes and offerings to the priest

  4. Governed the physical affairs of the nation

Equal Value

  • It has always taken financial resources to run the Kingdom.  

  • If the Levites had taken all the committed men of Israel and made priests out of them, they would have severely upset the balance of VISION and PROVISION

Modern Application

  • We are all to some degree both kings and priests

  • Could it be that as a matter of call we may lean more to one side than the other?

  • Could it be that the call to provision is equally VALUED by God as the call to vision?

  • Preparing for a weekend EXPERIENCE and a business PRESENTATION require strength from God in different ways

  • Have we created a subtle pressure to make priests out of every follower? 

  • The consequence of this would be a kingdom of priests instead of KINGS and PRIESTS

God’s Call

  • Kings and priests are anointed by God!

  • The call to the king’s side of the Kingdom is just as real and necessary as the priest’s call

  • If pastors today understood this concept and ministered encouragement to their kings, they would garner more respect! 

  • This divine teamwork would create more powerful, more effective churches that could minister in a more relevant way to the entire world

  • Kings would have more respect for their priests because they would be FREE, blessed and sent to war for the Kingdom

Fulfilled Kings

  • God made kings to thrive on conquest

  • When kings (and queens) see their daily lives as being vitally important to the Kingdom’s success on planet Earth, something changes

  • When Monday through Friday is as big a spiritual experience as Sunday, then we are making progress

  • When kings catch the vision of going to war to do exploits for God as the providers of the Kingdom, real life FOCUS occurs

Inspired Priests

  • If priests could more effectively help people tie their dreams and talents together with Kingdom vision, the kings would never live a dull life

  • There is nothing more exciting or rewarding than tying into a vision from God and seeing it move forward

  • Moses (king) and Aaron (priest) were spiritual men who were equally anointed

Stewardship or Ownership? 

  • Kings must focus on STEWARDSHIP and not get caught up in OWNERSHIP.

  • Stewardship means that you are taking care of somebody else’s assets as if they are your own

  • How do we grow the money God has given us? Invest it! Take a chance you may lose it in order to multiply it :) 

  • Investors are rewarded in the Kingdom (Are you investing?) 

  • God wants to reinforce success in order to strengthen the principle of stewardship

  • Giving is an opportunity to come into partnership with God and help build the Kingdom

  • When we learn the joy of stewardship under God’s ownership, we are FREE indeed!

Priests, imagine if you heard these words from your Kings…

“We have been listening to God for several years and making preparations and by listening to you, we knew this day would come.  We have mixed our faith with yours. We haven’t squandered our success on ourselves.  We have been waiting for God to tell us what to do with His wealth.  Don’t concern yourself with all the building details.  We are fully prepared. You stay before God and lead us to further conquests for people.  We will build the buildings.  We will deal with the contractors.  And we have taken up some extra offerings to further invest in the Kingdom.  We will be ready again for the next expansion!”

Kings must see themselves as HOLDERS of wealth for God’s future PURPOSES!

If the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just, God must anoint SOMEONE TO GO AFTER IT

Psalm 112

Praise ye the Lord. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.  His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed.  Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever.  Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.  A good man sheweth favor, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion.  Surely he shall not be moved for ever: the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.  He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.  His heart is established, he shall not be afraid, until he see his desire upon his enemies.  He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endureth for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honor.  The wicked shall see it, and be grieved; and melt away: the desire of the wicked shall perish.

Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (Highlights)

Order Think & Grow Rich on Amazon

Context: Think & Grow Rich was published in 1937, shortly after the GREAT DEPRESSION.



  2. FAITH












Simple steps to MORE money (pg. 42)

  1. Fix in your mind the EXACT amount of money you desire

  2. Determine what you intend to GIVE in return for the money

  3. Establish a definite date when you intend to POSSESS this money

  4. Create a definite PLAN for carrying out your desire and begin now

  5. WRITE it all down

  6. Read your written statement aloud twice daily, morning & night.  See, feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money! 

Ideas (pg. 93)

  • All riches begin in the form of THOUGHT.  The amount is limited only by the person in whose mind the THOUGHT is put into motion.  FAITH removes limitations. 

Education (pg. 105-110)

  • Most schools specialize in teaching knowledge, but not ORGANIZING or USING knowledge.

  • The word educate is derived from the Latin word “educo” meaning to educe, to draw out, to DEVELOP FROM WITHIN.

  • Any man is educated who knows where to get knowledge when he needs it, and how to organize that knowledge into definite plans of action.

  • If you contemplate taking additional schooling first determine the purpose for which you want the knowledge you are seeking.

Henry Ford (pg. 107)

  • “Why should I clutter up my mind with general knowledge, for the purpose of being able to answer questions, when I have men around me who can supply any knowledge I require?”

Motivation (pg. 122)

  • We rise to high positions or remain at the bottom because of conditions we can control if we DESIRE to control them.

Value (pg. 124)

  • You must be confident that the employer (client) receives full VALUE for the additional money he pays.

Decide (pg. 139-140) 

  • Ideas can be transmuted into cash through the power of definite PURPOSE + PLANS. 

  • If you are one of those who believe that hard work and honesty, alone, will bring riches, perish the thought!  It is not true!  Riches, when they come in huge quantities, are never the result of HARD work!  Riches come, if they come at all, in response to definite demands, based upon the application of definite principles and not by chance or luck.  

Sales (pg. 141)

  • All master salesmen know that ideas can be sold where merchandise cannot. The story of practically every great fortune starts with the day when a creator of ideas and a seller of ideas got together and worked in harmony.  Carnegie surrounded himself with men who could do all that he could not do.  

Persistence (pg. 149-151)

  • If the first plan which you adopt does not work successfully, replace it with a new plan, if this new plan fails to work, replace it, in turn with still another, and so on, until you find a plan which DOES WORK.  Right here is the point at which the majority of men meet with failure, because of their PERSISTENCE in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail.

  • No man is ever whipped, until he QUITS –in his own mind!

  • No follower of this philosophy can reasonably expect to accumulate a fortune without experiencing temporary defeat.

Learn to Follow First (Pg. 152-153)

  • Most great leaders began in the capacity of followers.  They became great leaders because they were INTELLIGENT FOLLOWERS.  An intelligent follower has many advantages among them the OPPORTUNITY to acquire knowledge from his leader. 

The Major Attributes of Leadership (Pg. 153-154)

  1. Unwavering Courage

  2. Self-Control

  3. A Keen Sense of Justice

  4. Definiteness of Decision

  5. Definiteness of Plans

  6. The Habit of Doing more than Paid for

  7. A Pleasing Personality

  8. Sympathy and Understanding

  9. Mastery of Detail

  10. Willingness to Assume Full Responsibility 

  11. Cooperation

Employee Relationships (Pg. 155)

  • The relationship of employer and employee (or leader and follower) in the future will be one of mutual cooperation, based upon an equitable division of the profits of business (more of a partnership than in the past). 

  • Leadership by consent of the followers is the only brand which can endure! (he was right :) remember this book was written in 1937)

The 10 Major Causes of Failure in Leadership (Pg. 156-159)

  1. Inability to Organize Details

  2. Unwillingness to Render Humble Service

  3. Expectation of pay for what they KNOW instead of what they DO with what they KNOW

  4. Fear of Competition from Followers

  5. Lack of Imagination 

  6. Selfishness

  7. Intemperance

  8. Disloyalty

  9. Emphasis of the “Authority” of Leadership

  10. Emphasis of Title

Work Life (Pg. 167-168)

  • Everyone enjoys doing the kind of work for which he is best suited. 

  • Every company is looking for people who can give something of value, whether it be ideas, services, or connections.

  • Every company has room for the person who has a plan of action which benefits the company

How to get the exact position you desire?

  1. Decide EXACTLY what kind of job you want

  2. CHOOSE the company or individual for whom you wish to work

  3. STUDY your prospective employer

  4. Analyze your unique skill set, and know what you can OFFER

  5. Instead of “have you got a job for me?” focus on what you can GIVE

  6. Write down your PLAN for this specific opportunity

  7. Present your plan to the proper person with AUTHORITY

Keys to Sustainable Sales Success (Pg. 175)

  1. Quality - details and efficiency

  2. Quantity - the habit of consistent delivery

  3. Spirit - harmonious conduct with clients & employees

30 Major Causes of Failure (Pg. 178-185) - Know Yourself to Lead Yourself

  1. Unfavorable Hereditary Background

  2. Lack of a Well-Defined Purpose in Life

  3. Lack of Ambition to Aim Above Mediocrity

  4. Insufficient Education

  5. Lack of Self-Discipline

  6. Ill Health (diet, exercise, negativity, breathing)

  7. Unfavorable Environmental Influence During Childhood

  8. Procrastination

  9. Lack of Persistence

  10. Negative Personality

  11. Lack of Controlled Sexual Urge

  12. Uncontrolled Desire for “Something for Nothing”

  13. Lack of a Well Defined Power of Decision

  14. One or More of the Six Basic Fears

  15. Wrong Selection of a Mate in Marriage

  16. Over-Caution

  17. Wrong Selection of Associates in Business

  18. Superstition & Prejudice

  19. Wrong Selection of a Vocation

  20. Lack of Concentration of Effort

  21. The Habit of Indiscriminate Spending

  22. Lack of Enthusiasm

  23. Intolerance

  24. Intemperance

  25. Inability to Cooperate with Others

  26. Possession of Power that was Not Acquired through Self-Effort

  27. Intentional Dishonesty

  28. Egotism & Vanity

  29. Guessing Instead of Thinking

  30. Lack of Capital

Procrastination (Pg. 180)

  • Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.

Know Yourself to Lead Yourself (Pg.185)

  • You should know your strengths in order that you may call attention to it when selling your services.  You can know yourself only through accurate analysis. 

Salary Negotiations (Pg. 186)

  • Before you negotiate for a readjustment of your salary in your present position or seek employment elsewhere, be sure that you are WORTH more than you RECEIVE.

Capitalism (Pg. 205)

  • Capitalistic America insures every person the opportunity to render useful service and to collect riches in proportion to the value of the service.

Decision Making (Pg. 208)

  • Analysis of several hundred millionaires disclosed the fact that every one of them had the habit of REACHING DECISIONS PROMPTLY and of changing these decisions SLOWLY.

Listening (Pg. 210-211)

  • If you talk more than you listen, you not only deprive yourself of many opportunities to accumulate useful knowledge but you also disclose your PLANS and PURPOSES to people who will take great delight in defeating you, because they envy you. 

  • Tell the world what you intend to do but FIRST SHOW IT!

Collaboration (Pg. 215)

  • Samuel Adams conceived the idea that mutual exchange of letters between the thirteen colonies might help bring about the coordination of effort so badly needed in connection with the solution of their problems.  “I tell you further, that if two of you agree upon the earth concerning anything for which you ask, it will come to you from my Father, who is in Heaven.”  In union there is strength! 

Boldness (Pg. 223)

  • The world has the habit of making room for the man whose words and actions show that he knows where he is going. 

Law of Attraction (Pg. 227)

  • Fortunes gravitate to men whose minds have been prepared to attract them, just as surely as water gravitates to the ocean.  In this book may be found all the stimuli necessary to attune any normal mind to the vibrations which will attract the object of one’s desires.

Resilience (Pg. 229)

  • Sometimes it appears that there is a hidden Guide whose duty is to test men through all sorts of discouraging experiences. 

  • Those who pick themselves up after defeat and keep on trying, arrive: and the world cries, “BRAVO! I knew you could do it!”

Symptoms of Lack of Persistence (Pg. 234-236)

  1. Failure to recognize and clearly define exactly what one wants

  2. Procrastination, with or without cause

  3. Lack of interest in acquiring specialized knowledge

  4. Indecision, the habit of passing the buck instead of facing issues squarely

  5. The habit of relying upon alibis instead of creating definite plans for the solution of problems

  6. Self-satisfaction

  7. Indifference

  8. The habit of blaming others for one’s mistakes and accepting unfavorable circumstances as being unavoidable

  9. Weakness of desire

  10. Willingness, even eagerness, to quit at the first sign of defeat

  11. Lack of organized plans…in writing

  12. The habit of neglecting to move on ideas or to grasp opportunity when it presents itself

  13. Wishing instead of Willing

  14. The habit of compromising with poverty instead of aiming at riches

  15. Searching for all the short-cuts to riches, trying to GET without GIVING

  16. Fear of criticism, failure to create plans and to put them into action because of what other people will think, do or say

Causes of Persistence (Pg. 233)

  1. Definiteness of Purpose

  2. Desire

  3. Self-Reliance

  4. Definiteness of Plans

  5. Accurate Knowledge

  6. Co-Operation

  7. Will-Power

  8. Habit

How to Develop Persistence (Pg. 240)

  1. A definite PURPOSE backed by burning desire for its fulfillment

  2. A definite plan, expressed in continuous ACTION

  3. A mind closed tightly against all NEGATIVE and discouraging influences

  4. A friendly ALLIANCE with one or more persons who will encourage one to follow through with both plan and purpose

These 4 steps are ESSENTIAL for success in all walks of life.

These are the steps by which one may control one’s ECONOMIC DESTINY.

These are the steps that lead to FREEDOM and independence of thought. 

Positive POWER comes through RELATIONSHIPS & FAITH

1+1=3 (Pg 251)

  • No two minds ever come together without creating a third invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind. 

  • Economic advantages may be created by any person who surrounds himself with the advice, counsel, and personal cooperation of a group of men who are willing to lend him wholehearted aid, in a spirit of perfect HARMONY. 

Friendship (Pg. 254)

  • Men take on the nature and habits and the power of thought of those with whom they associate in a spirit of sympathy and harmony. 

Wishing for Wealth (Pg. 259)

  • Anybody can wish for riches and most people do, but only a few know that a definite PLAN plus a burning DESIRE for wealth, are the only dependable means of accumulating WEALTH. 

An Outlet for Sex Emotion (Pg. 261)

  • Fortunate, indeed, is the person who has discovered how to give sex emotion an outlet through some form of creative effort, for he has, by that discovery, lifted himself to the status of a genius. 

  • The people of greatest achievement are those with highly developed sex natures; people who have learned the art of sex transmutation

  • The people who have accumulated great fortunes and achieved outstanding recognition in literature, art, industry, architecture, and the profession

The 10 Mind Stimuli (Pg. 263)

  1. Desire for sex expression

  2. Love

  3. A burning desire for fame, power, or MONEY

  4. Music

  5. Friendship between either those of the same sex, or those of the opposite sex

  6. A master mind alliance based upon the harmony of two or more people who ally themselves for spiritual or temporal advancement

  7. Mutual suffering, such as that experienced by people who are persecuted

  8. Auto-suggestion

  9. Fear

  10. Narcotics & Alcohol

Sixth Sense (Pg. 265-267)

  • Genius is Developed through the Sixth Sense. 

  • This sixth sense is Creative Imagination. The faculty of creative imagination is one which the majority of people never use during an entire lifetime. 

  • The great artists, writers, musicians, and poets become great, because they acquire the habit of relying upon the “still small voice” which speaks from within, through the faculty of creative imagination.  It is a fact well known to people who have “keen” imaginations that their best ideas come through so-called “hunches.”

Forms of Sixth Sense Access (Pg. 265)

  1. Infinite Intelligence

  2. One’s subconscious mind, wherein is stored every sense impression and thought impulse which ever reaches the brain through any of the five senses

  3. From the mind of some other person who has just released the thought or picture of the idea or concept through conscious thought

  4. From his own subconscious storehouse

Steps of Sixth Sense Access (Pg. 270)

  1. The reasoning casualty is often faulty, because it is largely guided by one’s accumulated experience.  Not all knowledge which one accumulates through “experience” is accurate.  So how do we access this creative faculty instead? 

  2. Stimulate your mind so that it VIBRATES on a higher than average plane, using one or more of the ten mind stimulants or some other stimulant of his choice

  3. He concentrates upon the known factors (the finished part) of his invention, and creates in his mind a perfect picture of unknown factors (the unfinished part) of his invention.  He holds the picture in mind until it has been taken over by the subconscious mind, then relaxes by clearing his mind of all thought and waits for his answer to flash into his mind

Relationships (Pg. 271)

  • The pages of history are filled with the records of great leaders whose achievements may be traced directly to the influence of women who aroused the creative faculties of their minds, through the stimulation of sex desire.  (ie: Napoleon Bonaparte and countless other humans)

Sex Energy (Pg. 272-273)

  • The energy must be transmuted from desire for physical contact into some other form of desire and action before it will lift one to the status of a genius.

  • Far from becoming genii, because of great sex desires, the majority of men lower themselves through misunderstanding and misuse of this great force to the status of the lower animals.  Here are the names of a few men of outstanding achievement each of whom was known to have been of a highly sexed nature: George Washington, Napoleon Bonaparte, William Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Robert Burns, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, Oscar Wilde, and Woodrow Wilson

Why Men Seldom Succeed Before Forty (Pg. 273, 281)

  • The average man reaches the period of his greatest capacity to create between forty and sixty.

Sales (Pg. 276)

  • The factor of personality known as “personal magnetism” is nothing more than sex energy. 

  • Transmute the energy of sex into SALES enthusiasm.

  • The Handshake, Tone of Voice, Posture and Carriage of the Body, The Vibrations of Thought & Body Adornment

The Power of Sex (Pg. 282)

  • When driven by their desire to please a person… we are capable of great achievement, but when based upon the motive of sex alone, a person may steal, cheat, and even commit murder.

  • When the emotion of LOVE is mixed with the emotion of sex, that same person will guide their actions with more sanity, balance and reason. 

  • It is an inherent desire of man to please a woman, which gives women the power to make or break a man. 

The Seven Major Positive Emotions (Pg. 297)

The subconscious understands best the language of emotion or feeling

  1. Desire

  2. Faith

  3. Love

  4. Sex

  5. Enthusiasm

  6. Romance

  7. Hope

The Seven Major Negative Emotions (Pg. 297)

Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time.

  1. Fear

  2. Jealousy

  3. Hatred

  4. Revenge

  5. Greed

  6. Superstition

  7. Anger

Prayer (Pg. 298, 301)

  • If you pray for a thing, but have fear as you pray, that you may not receive it, or that your prayer will not be acted upon by Infinite Intelligence, your prayer will have been in vain. 

  • Faith is the only known agency which will give your thoughts a spiritual nature.  Faith & Fear make poor bedfellows.  Where one is found, the other cannot exist!

The Great Depression (Pg. 311) 

  • The depression was a blessing in disguise.  It reduced the whole world to a new starting point that gives everyone a new opportunity. 

Sixth Sense (Pg. 313, 323)

  • Through the aid of the sixth sense you will be warned of impending dangers in time to avoid them and notified of opportunities in time to embrace them. 

  • Some of nature's laws are so incomprehensible that they produce what appears to be “miracles.”  This is a subject that will be of great interest and benefit to the person whose aim is to accumulate vast wealth, but it need not claim the attention of those whose desires are more modest. 

Thoughts (Pg. 329)

  • Man can create nothing which he does not first conceive in the form of an impulse of thought. 

  • Man’s thought impulses begin immediately to translate themselves into their physical equivalent, whether those thoughts are voluntary or involuntary.  

Poverty (Pg. 331)

  • If you want riches, you must refuse to accept any circumstances that lead toward poverty!

Symptoms of the Fear of Poverty (Pg. 335)

  1. Indifference

  2. Indecision

  3. Doubt

  4. Worry

  5. Over-Caution

  6. Procrastination

Criticism (Pg. 342)

  • Criticism will plant FEAR in the human heart or resentment but it will not build love or affection

Symptoms of the Fear of Criticism (Pg. 343)

  1. Self-consciousness

  2. Lack of Poise

  3. Personality

  4. Inferiority Complex

  5. Extravagance

  6. Lack of Initiative

  7. Lack of Ambition

Kill Worry (Pg. 358)

  • Kill the habit of worry, in all its forms by reaching a general blanket decision that nothing which life has to offer is worth the price of worry.  With this decision will come poise, peace of mind, and calmness of thought which will bring happiness.



  2. FAITH












Black Optical Team Dynamic

Excerpt from InVision Magazine:
Read full article here

“Although the Black Optical brand has extended beyond the original location, their vision hasn’t lost its clarity, whether it’s with their environment or service. “We are proud of the team environment created in our space. We believe that people hold the greatest value so we focus on our team and the clients we get to serve,” says Black.

People are the business’s top priority, whether clients or their own team members, and they make that very clear in every aspect. From quick online and digital customer engagement, to providing their staff with an extreme ownership perspective on the operational part of the business, Black Optical believes that every human matters and they are the centerpiece of any business. “We seek to create an environment within our team and clients where everyone is heard and valued.”

How to Create A Distraction-Free iPhone

After finishing The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer, I felt an increased level of awareness and freedom to slow down. There is a creeping reality to hurry, slowly over time we start moving faster and faster. There’s no doubt that some personality types are more prone to hurry, but most of us would enjoy more focus :)
Phones are not the only culprit in our hurried life but creating a distraction-free phone has already helped me slow down, be more focused and present in the moment. The entire book is a must read but I wanted to pull a short, practical excerpt that will help you slow down TODAY!

Here are a few suggestions from the book to create a distraction-free phone:

  1. Take email off your phone

  2. Take all social media off your phone, transfer it to a desktop, and schedule set times to check it each day (or week)

  3. Delete all notifications

  4. Disable your web browser

  5. Ditch news apps (or at least alerts)

  6. Delete every single app you don’t need or that doesn’t make your life seriously easier

  7. Consolidate remaining apps into a few simple boxes so your home screen is free and clear

  8. Set your phone to grayscale mode (decreasing dopamine addiction)

    Our new world requires new tools to slow down.
    Unleash Your Full Potential by slowing down.

Interview with John Maxwell

“Growth is not automatic. We assume we will get better, but on accident, we only get older. “

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John Maxwell turned 73 this year. Thanks to his books, interviews and public speaking, he’s been teaching me for the last 20 years. His recent interview with EntreLeadership packed so much wisdom into an hour, I had to share some insights in long form. It all started with a Personal Growth Plan.


  • No matter what age or experience, always have a teachable spirit. I want to grow until I die. Intentionally be around growing people.

  • All of my WRITING is birthed out of my GROWING.

  • Growth creates an awareness that there is so much more to learn.

  • We lead others as we lead ourselves. Because my ceiling or finish line is unlimited, that’s how I lead others.

  • Learning lunches - ask people who are ahead of you great questions.

  • Influential leaders ask great questions; immature leaders only give direction.

  • Everyone can teach us, our responsibility is to get that knowledge out of another.

“I stopped asking how LONG will it take and started asking, how FAR can I go?”


  • You teach what you KNOW but you reproduce who you ARE.

  • Stop teaching and start learning… together.

  • “I’m going to mentor you” is the wrong approach. People do what people see.

  • Get two books instead of one and sit beside the leader and grow together. Ask for accountability in your growth.

  • The leadership training works when the corporate leaders come to the leadership training.

  • “You need to take this course” is the wrong approach. A leader must submit themselves to the process of growth. Be willing to learn WITH your team.

  • Know your team. Don’t assume you know what your team is thinking… ask questions… what do you love? what would you change? do you have any feedback?


  • TESTING - always be testing, and trying new things

  • FAILING - if you test a lot, you will fail a lot (1 test: 1 failure | 100 tests: 70 failures)

  • LEARNING - the value of failure is learning, bad experience? what did you learn?

  • IMPROVING - fix it, you can’t fix what you don’t test

  • RE-ENTERING - after you improve, get back in the game

  • BACK to TESTING - the cycle continues


  • It’s difficult to be self-aware on your own. ASK those around you.

  • Share your weaknesses with your team (they know them already).

  • Self-awareness is the result of a secure person asking others about his or her weaknesses.

  • You can’t IMPROVE what you don’t know about.

  • One of the greatest gifts a leader can give is self-awareness, holding up a mirror for your team, to help them see the truth.

  • Learn to be honest when an opportunity doesn’t fit your strengths.


At 73, compounding interest is exploding, if I quit now, I miss a huge return! When we can afford to quit, we can’t afford to quit. If you are going to quit, quit the first year!

  • Consistency compounds over time… consistency in your strengths.

  • Consistency in a weakness will reap compound frustration.

  • All my life I've worked on becoming an overnight success.

  • Consistency is not sexy but is the secret ingredient to success.

  • The return for consistency is on the backend - it takes patience.

  • How did you right 83 books? One word at a time. First page, first book,



John shares an illustration of a boulder that breaks in pieces after hitting it 848 times. Every time you hit the rock you get closer but you didn’t get any reward until the 848th hit. We aren’t as good as everyone thinks we are on the 848th hit but we aren’t as bad as we looked on the first hit! Don’t get discouraged by the fact that another person’s boulder broke apart; your turn is coming as you are consistent in the right things!

What would 73 year old John say to 25 year old John?

  1. Put yourself on a personal growth plan and stay with it

  2. Don’t separate failure and success (fear of failure will keep you from testing)

  3. Every day add value to someone! (if you sit down with me, you will grow)

Give 60, take 40. Don’t keep score, add value and give more than you expect to receive. It’s not about the harvest we only reap because of the seeds we sew. Keep sewing! Focus on sewing seeds, the harvest will take care of itself.

We know people who are already dead, but they are still walking around. You will GO as far as you can GROW but no further. Live in alignment with your message.

Listen to the entire Podcast here.


What if your company built the reputation as a “Place to Grow”?

Focus on uncovering your team’s NATIVE GENIUS.



Diminishers drain intelligence and potential out of those around them; seeking to be the SMARTEST person in the room. 

  • Feel the need to think for everyone, no vacation for “smart people”

  • Create a stress-filled environment because they don’t give people control over their performance

  • Produce Leaders who “Quit & Stay” (Abdicators) while the real issues or challenges are avoided

Multipliers realize it’s not about what they achieve themselves but the impact they have on others. 

  • Discovering what each person is naturally good at and how those talents best serve the clients 

  • Create jobs loosely around people’s interest and unique capabilities 

  • Understand that people love to contribute their genius, uncover that genius and find a pathway for contribution

Clear Target: leave those you meet thinking they, rather than you, are the smartest person in the world; become an accelerator of other people’s career!

Three Core Principles:

  1. Diminishers underutilize people and leave capability on the table

  2. Multipliers increase intelligence in people and organizations.  People get smarter and more capable around them

  3. Multipliers leverage their resources. Corporations can get 2x the effectiveness by turning the most intelligent resources into intelligence Multipliers


Four Practices of the Talent Magnet: 

  1. Look for talent everywhere

  2. Find people’s native genius (details below)

  3. Utilize people at their fullest

  4. Remove blockers (people or resources that hinder growth)

Three Hacks for Kick-starting the Talent Magnet:

  1. Name it - Identify the genius for each team member then call it out!

  2. Supersize it - assess current capabilities and give them a challenge a size too big

  3. Let go of a superstar - recognize when someone has outgrown their environment

Magic Johnson: “I made a decision at this very young age that I would use my God-given talent to help everyone on the team be a better player.” 

“Create a pattern of utilization, growth, and opportunity that others in the organization and outside notice,  getting the reputation as a place to grow. This reputation spreads and more A players flock to work in the Talent Magnet's organization, so there is a steady flow of talent in the door, replacing talent growing outward.” (Multipliers, Page 37)


Native Genius: a skill you do easily (without extra effort) and freely (without condition)

“Finding someone’s native genius is a key that unlocks discretionary effort.  It propels people to go beyond what is required and to offer their full intelligence.  Finding people’s genius begins by carefully observing them in action, looking for spikes of authentic enthusiasm and a NATURAL FLOW OF ENERGY.”

Motivation: “What people do easily, they do without conscious effort.  They do it better than anything else they do, but they don’t need to apply extraordinary effort to the task.  They get results that are head-and-shoulders above others, but they do it without breaking a sweat.  They don’t need to be paid or rewarded to do it and often don’t need to be asked.”

Five Questions to uncover Native Genius:

  1. What do they do better than anything else they do?

  2. What do they do better than people around them?

  3. What do they do without effort?

  4. What do they do without being asked?

  5. What do they do readily without being paid?


  • Create space to grow: “Multipliers create an intense environment in which superior thinking and work can flourish.  Tyrants create an intense environment that suppresses people’s thinking and capability.”

  • Multipliers create both comfort and pressure in the environment. “I give you space; you give me back your best work. I give you permission to make mistakes; you have an obligation to learn from the mistakes and not repeat them.”

  • Two ways to Create Space:

  1. Release others by restraining yourself - avoid jumping in

“Emergent problems and big hurdles are irresistible bait for diminishers.”

2. Shift the ratio of listening to talking - listen and observe the intellect of others

Simple Questions:

  • In what way is this person smart? 

  • What is getting in the way of you being successful?

Inspire others by telling them what you see… you can raise their awareness and confidence, allowing them to be their best!


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